Monday 11 August 2014

It's as clear as anything ....

The first thing I'd like to make clear is how much I also love see-through, clear rainwear ... there's nothing more sexy than a pretty woman wearing a clear raincoat which allows you to see every delicious curve of her body or simply highlight what she's wearing.

They haven't always enjoyed a good rap. For various reasons, such rainwear - somehow - became associated with loose, or promiscuous women, mainly through the efforts of film-makers who frequently portrated femme fatales in crystal clear rainwear. Fortunately, these prejudiced attitudes are rapidly vanishing, thanks to the excellent efforts of numerous retailers offering a wide range of seriously sexy rainwear which you can take from home to work to a glam evening out on the town to the footy next day.

Here's just some of our favourite clear raincoats or rainjackets. I think you'll love them just as much as we do.

Check out Topshop's Clear Mac jacket

There's nothing Missguided about their beautiful clear rain jacket either:

Wanda Nylon's rather colourfully styled clear rainjacket isn't the cheapest but it is absolutely gorgeous though

Also from Topshop ... this beautiful clear bomber is simply awesome. I love it.

Last but not least ... Topshop's instant classic Clear Hooded Jacket, still available from Nordstrom:

... and if none of these raincoats suits your style or you've already got something delish which you would rather wear, check out this cuter-than-cute rain hat! No longer for little grandmas, this is something you can pop out of your handbag and wear whenever the heavens decide to open up upon you.

Classic RETRO yellow raincoats!

Coincidence is a wonderful thing. A month or so ago when I began writing my blog, I wrote about my love for shiny yellow rainwear and how it all began. I never thought - until now that we might see any return of these classic macs.

That is, until I spotted ASOS awesome awesome new yellow rain jackets which they've done in a very similar style to the classic, Rukka, Bormax and Helly Hansen macs of yesteryear. It's even got a peaked hood to keep water off your face or glasses! It goes without saying that I've already ordered one. they are not the cheapest, but there's nothing wrong with the quality ... or style. They won't last long.

As if that wasn't all, ASOS have also done a beautiful translucent yellow plastic version of the classic rainmac ... and here it is below. I've also got one of these too. It is not only very comfortable but roomy as well. Although it's a girl's mac, I've received dozens of favourable comments asking where I bought it. how much does it cost? bla bla.

Check it out ... ASAP

Friday 11 July 2014

Yellow rainwear is it!

There are few more beautiful sights than a pretty girl kitted out in shiny yellow rainwear from head to toe. Only those who who enjoy looking at, or wearing rainwear in the same way I do will understand the gamut of emotions that this utterly delightful vision from Heaven invokes inside me.

I don't know why, but shiny yellow rainwear, more than any other colour provokes a particularly strong emotional response deep within my brain. There's something about the way that shiny yellow vinyl (or PVC) looks and smells which just does it for me more than anything else. I don't even know - or understand - why, or how this happened. Why do some people develop a rainwear fetish while most don't? The vast majority of people view rainwear as little more than an utilitarian accessory.

I think that my fetish really began when Mum bought me a shiny yellow raincoat to wear to kinder. I ended up wearing it, along with a succession of similar macs before being deemed too old for such childish rainwear. I remember helping me put it on if it was raining before leaving the house for school almost every day during our (then) much wetter winters before global warming began to affect our climate and not for the better either, but I digress.

BTW, the delightful image below right was taken by Henry Alexandersen.

Although I had no idea what was occurring at the time, I somehow - subtly - learned to associate the slippery smoothness of that heavy, smooth PVC with safety and security. How was I to know that the lingering memories of these early smells helped trigger a compulsion that would last the rest of my life? The heavenly scent of the PVC I used to wear all the time made me feel absolutely wonderful., although of course I had no idea why. Guilt - and shame - was not something whih would arrive until much later. It was not until much later that I finally learnt that the sense of smell (as well as those of sight and touch) was intimately linked to my brain which naturally stored these pleasant memories away for future reference. Please bear with me; the scientific explanation how I developed such a strong fetish for rainwear is somewhat complex. The nose contains a set of olfactory cells or receptors and they are directly connected to the limbic system, which is thought to be responsible for emotion, such as pleasure or happiness – or security. Each smell travels straight to the cortex of the brain where recognition occurs but by the time this happens, the limbic system has already been stimulated by the electrical reactions created by the smell. Therefore, whenever I picked up my raincoat and identified the strong smell of PVC, the scent had already activated this system, thus subtly creating increasingly strong sensations of pleasure and happiness.

Although I love wearing plastic or PVC rainwear of any kind, I adore yellow rainwear more than anything else. Apart from the fetish connotations, it's also - to me, anyway - the only real colour a raincoat should be. Shiny safety yellow. Nobody's going to miss me crossing the road in my gleaming rainwear. It's also why I prefer the classic cotton-backed shiny PVC Rukka, Helly Hansen, Bormax or Viking macs of the era over everything else. Unfortunately, I'm not the only one who feels the same way and it's reflected in the prices being paid for some of these raincoats in online auctions. However, bargains still exist if you put the time and effort in.

At least we can still enjoy these beautiful images and dream.

BTW, that's my (ex) girlfriend, Chel wearing a classic shiny yellow Rukka complete with a belt and hood. I also took this image at Shiny Beach in the Philippines. She had a ball modelling for me, despite the heat of the day!

Friday 4 July 2014


It's been a long time between drinks ... I used to spend lots of time blogging before deleting everything in 2008 for personal reasons. It's good to be back and I'm really looking forwards to writing about my rainy day adventures and rainwear!

I love rainy days and walking in the rain. There's nothing like the cool, calm beauty of a rainy day when everything's dripping in moisture. Everything subtly changes appearance, particularly light. Sounds are much more muted. I also love the anticipation of pulling my plastic rainwear on before heading outside. Listening to the gentle 'pitter-patter' of rain striking my impermeable waterproofs is the best music of all. It's such a natural and soothing sound. It's also one which rarely fails to make me feel better.

Once I get the hang of using Blogger, my posts - and images - will become much more polished and interesting. I will endeavour to post anything relating to rain or rainwear fashion. Please feel free to post suggestions or ideas for my blog and I'll do my best to post everything. Enjoy.